Sunday, August 16, 2020

Old Greyhawk Castle, Level 8

Lesser Caves 

Caves and caverns featuring Trolls.[3]

Also here is a dungeon maze, at the center of which a good werebear guards a special scroll (Urn of Moon Dust) that will free Fraz-urb-luu. [16/320]

The Jeweled Man / Golden Man

First time encountered on level eight, but can be encountered on several levels, especially cleared ones.

Until some player’s character manages to discover the truth about him, the mystery will never be revealed. That’s a secret, and mystery is part and parcel of a good campaign.

"a figure made entirely of gold" and "encrusted with faceted gems of all sizes and shapes"--"thousands of carats of diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, and rubies" first encountered here, too fast for PCs to catch even with boots of speed, magic to hold it had no effect, "it seemed impossible to take the creature by surprise", several groups launched failed attempts to prove it unreal (an illusion). First encountered in the "mid-levels" and "down to a moderate depth". [16/290]

There was nothing in the entire Greyhawk dungeon as insidious as the Golden Warrior. The upper levels of Gary's dungeon would get explored and emptied of goodies. After a bit there would be new and more deadly dangers to face there. However, if we wanted to get to the lower levels, we had to walk through those upper ones. One day we are turning a corner and a warrior all in gold runs past up and we are surprised. He shot at it and cast some spells, but he didn't stop it from running. It was an unusual sight and we all took it as a challenge. Every other adventure we would walk those pillaged halls and suddenly the gold warrior would run past us. We managed to hit it with our magical weapons; we set traps for it that the being bullied its way through; eventually we wet up elaborate traps with ballista, nets, and spells all to no avail. Eventually, we had to give up. The act of trapping this fast moving pile of gold was taking a lot of time and resources. After that, whenever the golden warrior appears we waved it good day. [30.1]

[References: see Greyhawk References]

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