Friday, August 14, 2020

Old Greyhawk Castle: Entrances & Exits

We walk right up to the ruin of the castle and there are dungeon entrances at each corner and one in the middle. There is a guy outside selling "Dungeon Carts". "For what?" we ask. "To put your loot in."  [13] 

  • Main entrance: the wide spiral staircase in the basement of the Castle Ruins to level 1 to 3 [7]
  • Four staircases down to different corners of level one in the castle ruins [13]
  • An old dry cistern [8]
  • A pool of quicksand [8], likely entrance only
  • A simple hole in the ground  [8]
  • A chute on level 13 that sends the adventurers all the way to the other side of the earth [1], exit only
  • A large cave in the side of the hill, lair of a black dragon with direct or indirect ties to level 1-4

Hidden Entrances could lead to deeper levels of the dungeon, short-cutting access to them. 

Those who have explored the countryside between the bustling city of Greyhawk and the castle ruins of the same name which lie on the hill not a league to the east of the city will testify to the fact that there are a number of strange tunnels and wells about. Wise folks avoid them, for they know that these are but entrances to the fiendish maze of dungeons... Lessnard chose one of the outside entrances to the lower levels of the dungeons, knowing it would save both time and the risk of unwished for encounters with wandering monsters [5]

[References: see Greyhawk References]

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