Sunday, August 16, 2020

Old Greyhawk Castle, Level 10

 Lesser Caverns

Caves and caverns featuring a transporter nexus with an evil Wizard (with a number of tough associates) guarding it. [3]

There's no living quarters, guard posts, conjuring rooms, laboratories, etc. in the Greater or Lesser Caverns. [?] Given that, it is unclear how the wizard lived there. 

The nexus may have been one to lead to different sites in the dungeon (transporter being a term for teleporter).

It could also be the one with the three doors to the the extraplanar levels called Monkeying Around, Horsing Around, Fooling Around.

“You come upon three doors and each one is a bit strange,” Gary described. “The left one has the picture of an island in the middle of the door (it was the Isle of the Ape in playtest). The middle door has the picture of a walrus on a beach. The right one has a picture of an odd looking humanoid with a strange cap and in its hand is a strange crossbow pistol.”  [30.4] The group here was level 3 to 6, so way to low for anything as deep as 10th level. Also, while the Monkey and Fool match, the Walrus sounds arctic and not fitting with horses, so that encounter was likely on a higher level. Also, this was probably in the Expanded Dungeon, not the Original one.

[References: see Greyhawk References]

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