Sunday, July 25, 2021

Managing Play Group Dynamics

This blog has endless pages on the more technical aspects of role playing games. But role playing games are played by people -- often slightly nerdy, sometimes socially awkward or immature people. There will be differences in opinion and interpersonal issues you will need to sort out to ensure a good experience for all involved, or the group will fall apart, and the game will end.

The Angry DM has a lot of good and practical advise on this. Here is some by Gygax:

As the principal reason to play a game is entertainment, whatever best provides that for the group engaged in play of the game is what is best for those concerned. What more can be said in that regard?
It needs be noted that the GM is a part of the group and needs to be equally amused and entertained, perhaps a bit more than any other single person therein because of his efforts on behalf of the players. #4329

The DM is there to provide entertainment to the players.You are surely a very consciencious DM, maybe too much so. First, you are at least as important as any other participant, so you must have fun too, or something is wring. If you aren't always having fun, likely someone, or several someones, in the group is causing a problem. Weed out such person or persons, and you and the remainder of the players will likely find the game sessions are uniformly enjoyable. #4951

The DM is omnipotent. You might try to plead your case, especially one of rule interpretation and altering action because of the difference, but if he doesn't want to listen, you loose, Buckwheat! Zip your lip and accept with stoic grace. Should this spoil your gaming enjoyment, thell your DM exactly what is bothering you. If an accommodation can be reached, fine. If not, leave the group and find a DM that is more acceptable to your concept of how one should be. In such case I am sure the DM won't miss you nor you him #7893

I have given the PCs damage for players arguing with me or disrtupting the game.[35]

When a player or players became obstreperous I simply rolled a d6 and informed the miscreants that their PCs had suffered that much damage. Unless they wanted more of the same, all misconduct had to cease. I did roll several d6 damage for a couple of very unruly and rebellious young players. When asked why their characters were taking such damage, I said beacuse they had offended the rest of the group, me in particular, and if they wished to play further they had better note the damage, be silent, and mind their manners. [35]

[References: see Greyhawk References]

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