I spent a year of spare time asking and answering questions on Role Playing Games Stack Exchange.
You can filter for my most upvoted questions and answers on the site. But the most upvoted ones are not the most interesting ones. This has several reasons.
- Scary Monsters that deal long-term handicaps Closed.
- Handling monsters more deadly than their CR Closed before getting reopened.
- By what in-game logic is there no market for Wizard spells? Closed.
- Spells affecting an opponent permanently Closed. @Someone_evil managed to get a nice answer in before that. Unfortunately, I cannot award bounties on closed questions.
- Are names of game features rules text? You'd think this is not a problem question. Think again.
- What is the source of the "There are no hidden rules" principle?
- What is the souce for "D&D is not a physics simulation"?
- Source for "everyday things behave as expected"? Closed. Heavy downvotes.
- Does Lore count as Rules-as-Written?
- When is an object a magic item?
- Does "item" include creatures?
- Distances through portals
- What is a game feature?
- What is Energy in 5e?
- Average Number of Encounters per day Closed as "opinion-based", much later reopened. In my mind, this is my best Q&A, looking at it from many angles, with lots of supporting evidence.
- Average Damage per Attack for Monsters by CR
- Average Damage Output for PCs by level
- Net Effect of Advantage & Disadvantage Closed as "Duplicate".
- Time it takes in-game to get to level 20
- What is better: per short rest or proficiency bonus times?
- What deals more damage, +1 to damage or +1 to to hit? Eventually I self answered to get an overview over the level range. The question survived because you also could answer it in a mathematically airtight way, by only comparing ACs with to-hits, which of course has limited practical use for deciding which of the two to put on masterwork weapons in general.
- Is Gloom Stalker Overpowered? My most viewed question.
- How to deal with advanced "remote control" tactics in dungeons?
- As a DM, how do you avoid getting tired of the monsters always losing?
- How does Rod of Rulership work?
- How can we help our DM to keep things moving?
- How to manage minions?
- What can spells in a Shield Guardian target?
- Can you force your way into Rope Trick? Can a Large creature enter? Can you cast it mid-air?
- How far from Undermountain to Skullport?
- Does Banishment banish equipment? My second most downvotes, a valid, disliked question.
- Bigby's Hand vs Telekinesis
- Reliable Non-Concentration spells for Contingency the list is super short, to my surprise
- Using Invisible Stalker summons to get around anti-Divination magic It works
- What level does the sleep spell stop being effective?
- Teleport objects needed, and scrying, bombing with Freezing Sphere,
- Phantom Steed equipment, number of riders, moving after ending
- Max damage deliverable in a day with Glyph of Warding on a Demiplane
- Normal spellbooks
- Pony vs Mule Why pay extra for non-performance?
- Creature Space in Combat: I think it is preposterous that creatures need to jump off a boat or carpet, just because combat starts. How is a creature's space defined? Can you chose to not participate in combat? Creatures fitting on a carpet of flying in combat -- the best solution under the rules is to declare creatures that do not want to fight efficiently can share the space. similar to allow someone to not participate. Same thing, in a boat.
- Souls. Is there a difference between soul and spirit?, Where do souls go after death and are they free to be raised? Raising souls from hades, and from the a night hag's nightmare haunting. Does Revivify work on trapped souls? @trish found an answer. Can you revive a specter? Nope.
- Expertise. How to justify Expertise [Closed], What does it mean to break bounded accuracy?
- Are Pixies overpowered at CR 1/4? I still don't get how anyone can defend they are not.
If you answer an old question, you get much fewer eyeballs. The bulk of people using the site do so by looking up common, very old questions found via web searches. Those already have answers, often many of them, and often also highly upvoted and accepted ones. As answers are by default sorted with the accepted answer pinned on top, and then in order of votes, if you add one more answer without votes it will be way, way down on the page. Most people won't even look at it. And if it is not one of these evergreen questions, likely nobody is looking at it at all. So getting any votes for answers to these old questions is hard. My early answers were to those questions, for example about spells like contingency, about what an object or creature is, or about portals and glyph of warding, and often stuck at 0 or few votes.
I also initially answered unanswered old questions that irked my OCD of making everything neat. Because there was little interest in them or they did not have a clear-cut answer, they did not get a lot of votes, either.
Later I switched to answering new questions. These get more eyballs and engagement, as the small group of active, daily users is looking at this category. However, most of the obvious questions für D&D 5e have long been asked, so these were mostly Homebrew Reviews, obscure rules corner cases, or 3.5, Pathfinder which I stopped playing long ago and Pathfinder 2, which I never played (but had good online rules books). This worked a lot better if you care about votes and had the nice effect that I learned about other games from looking up what the rules said.
The most popular are answers that deal with social interactions, because everyone can relate to them and have an opinion on them. These often get [Good Answer] badges for more than 25 votes. Of course, positive feedback instead of nothing felt good, too.
Also successful are simple, clear rules answers, a short rules quote with some explanation, so it fits on one screen. These answers were successful in spite of being boring -- or maybe especially for being so, because then they are easy to verify as correct. These often become the single, accepted answer.
Sometimes answers got downvoted to a negative score because people did not like them even when they were technically correct, or because they were answers to questions some highly active people want to close instead of getting answered, and so they downvoted to punish you for answering, independent of how correct or good the answer is.
Because of these effects, sorting answers by vote is not a great way to find interesting answers. And because this site here is mine, here is a list that reflects my take on the most interesting or memorable answers (out of the 888 total answers I posted at the time I wrote this):
- Using random encounters @nitsua60 with a great answer, gifted us bounties.
- Creating the story with the players, instead of railroading
- Using time pressure to drive the action
- Implementing a creature with a vulnerable point with 2 different, high scoring answers
- How to run aerial combat two bounties, from @linksassin and @lfusaso
- Allowing it once, to have a fast flowing game without setting expoitable precendent
- Curb munchkinism expoiting the rules, use real-world sense for mundane interactions
- Big treasures, and how to keep the game interersting afterwards
- DM not bound by PC mechanics in building dungeons and NPCs
Fundamental Rule / Term Defintions. Creature and object definition show up all the time in interpreting rules. I refined these answers as I learned more.
- What is a creature, is a soul a creature, and how to deal with displaced souls for effects that work on creatures -- will you reach a displaced soul with sending, Magic Jar.
- Object, composed object, containers as objects, object sizes, object weight , are liquids objects?
Real-world medieval history and game economy. These are among the most interesting to research, as you learn something about the real world.
- Without a magic item economy, what is gold for?
- Value of a gold piece
- Poison damage per gp
- How much does it cost to manufacture a conductor stone?
- Roads, castles, cost of
- Lifestyle Expenses
- Size of Settlements
- Mailed letters
- Barrel fitting (@trish made a fantastic answer)
- Disinfectants
- Spellbook replacement, number of spells per spellbook,
- Arrow and Bolt sizes vs Forcecage
- Siege weapon rate of fire
- Magic item rarity
- Does the Bugbears "Sneaky" trait always apply? Initially exploring the space rules in combat.
- Wild Shape and Rot Grubs? Parasites
- Is alcoholism a curable disease? Friendly co-answering with @Kirt
- Travel speed and rest, and another one on Phantom Steed
- Pulling an object from your backpack with a simple object interaction
- Area of effect of ongoing spell effects, using the example of casting a wall of force into them.
- Actions Outside of Combat
- Are carried creatures equipment?, Carrying and grappling
- Running blindly
- Monster weapons with special effects
- Bonus Action spells Core rules say 1 cantrip, Xanathar changes it to cantrips
- Look of a spell scroll, the correct answer by the rules. @nautarch assigned a 500 bounty, then retracted it. Example of where people dislike the rule, and therefore dislike the answer telling them what the rule says.
- Specific beats general there are a few questions where my answer was up against one by @thomasmarkov. He can be very convincing, so these were always interesting. This one went to me.
Sharing useful experience on PC tactics and shenanigans
- How do you survive level 1 as a wizard? Good general wizard know-how.
- How to defend allies as a Fighter at level 1? Ditto.
- What countermeasures protect against Power Word Kill?
- How do I make an ageless warlock? All the different ways to become immortal in the game.
- Moving 10,000 gp of gold A lot of calculations and Floating Disk
- Getting a dragon Answered three different ways, none downvoted.
- Helping a weak, low level group The downvotes are bunk. These methods work.
- Whats the best big gun 3rd level spell? Sharing play stats
- In which editions of D&D have druids been able to Wild Shape into owlbears? This got a 500 bounty by SE's top contributor, @KRyan. In which editions can you breed in animal form? is similar, somehow people are curious about how wild shape changed over time.
- Shield of the Hidden Lord This was a long-unanswered one, the last one standing. I contacted the published author, and they were kind and did answer! @consus gifted 50 rep to it.
- Most Damage with a 17th level Fighter This was the first min-max question for me, and I spent days refining it in friendly collaborative back and forth with @goodguy5 who had the other answer, which was a nice experience, and learned a lot about optimization math. Icing on the cake was that @someone_evil ran a Monte-Carlo simulation, improving the answer further.
- Nerfing Sharpshooter Exploration of the mathemetical impact of sharpshooter, took days
- Statistically, when should you wait to use Sneak Attack on a second attack with advantage? Impact of criticals, crit ranges, advantage, disadvantage. Lots of work.
- Stacking AC bonuses made me learn about rules for combining game effects.
- How to increase AC over 20 without magic items is a good example for the late answer effect. The very old, accepted answer has a lower AC, fewer methods, and many times the votes.
- Does the number of spells at a Wizard's disposal affect game balance?
- Is there an accepted likelihood of hitting that is consistent across tiers, and how has it been determined? Useful for optimization questions, looking at this from various angles. Establishes 65% hit rate without magic weapons.
- Surviving without Sleep against Nightmare After original ballparking, followed @Someone_evil's lead and spent a couple hours to program a simulation to work it out
- Average monster AC per CR based on all the work here but somewhat plain
- Most often used languages A lot of list intersecting on the command line for this one. But this was yet not the best answer to the question!
- Combining Contingency and Glyph, Glyph to summon demons, glyph compared to symbol, Glyph and storable spells, triggering out of a Portable Hole,
- Portable hole, locating portals with locate object, using demiplane as a transport, contact through portals, nature of pocket dimensions.
- Circumstances for Contingency This was one of my very first answers, adressing the myriad questions associated with that spell, and the friendly reception by @jack made a big difference
- Teleport and Initiative
- Unseen Servant doing the dishes. targeting
- Find Familiar. I answered over 50 questions about this spell
- Imprisonment Minimus Containment - so cute!
- Identify vs artifacts still works...
- Astral Projection vs Plane Shift
- Clairvoyance
- Resilient Sphere vs teleportation
- Wristpocket and Arcane Abeyance This one got a 200 bounty from @thomasmarkov
- Modenkainen's Sword, making a case for discovery vs the fetish for perfect balance
- Shield spell not stacking with shield. My most downvoted answer, as I wrote this at -12. I think it is technically correct, it makes narrative sense, and it also is wiser for play balance. But people clearly do want to stack their shield and the spell.
- What percentage of Call of Cthulhu characters start drowning on average? This is a prime example. It took me a reading of all the relevant new CoC rules and a lot of number crunching to help. Others just told him it's a stupid question, but he had been told so and it still was important to him. This got me a bounty of 300. I also answered another question for him for another 400.
- Council Voting in Waterdeep this lore qeustion meant poring over lots of old books from first, second, third, and fourth edition, as 5th does not have a lot.
- College of Poems bard One of the many homebrew reviews. I had fun answering in rhyme. @shadowranger, with the accepted highly-voted answer was a great sport and defended it.
- Spells known and Wizards This one is memorable because @non_novelist granted a 500 point bounty on it. Unfortunately, he could not deal with how the stack was run, and got banned.
- Using alternate ability scores for attack just a useful collection.